High-brightness LED-based ceiling lights in four colour temperature ranges

May 18, 2011 // By Julien Happich
High-brightness LED-based ceiling lights in four colour temperature ranges
Global Lighting Technologies has combined its edge-lit LED light guide technology with extensive Far East mass production capabilities to create a new and improved troffer downlight that is more efficient (60 lm/W), brighter (2500 lumens), offers four different colour temperatures, and uses fewer LEDs than its previous offerings. The new troffer downlight assembly is 60cm square and approximately 10.9mm thick and weighs 3.5kg.

It is edge-lit using only 100 LEDs, which represents a decrease of approximately 70% from previous versions. 50 LEDs are spaced along on each of two sides of the troffer assembly against the ultra-slim (3.5 mm thick) light guide, which uses advanced light extraction features to spread light across the troffer surface with perfect uniformity for bright, uniform illumination in a thinner form factor without hot spots or dark areas. Power consumption is only 40W, and the new troffer offers a high colour rendering index over 80. Customers can select from four different colour temperatures ranging from 3000K (warm white) to 6000-6500K (cool, bluish white).

A data sheet on the new ceiling light is available at: https://www.glthome.com/6_download.html

Visit Global Lighting Technologies at www.glthome.com


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