Nuvoton sensor hubs come with Movea software

December 05, 2013 // By Peter Clarke
Nuvoton sensor hubs come with Movea software
Nuvoton Technology Corp. (Hsinchu, Taiwan), a spin-off company from Winbond Electronics Corp., has added the SmartMotion software from Movea SA (Grenoble. France) to its NPCF204U and NPCF28Bx sensor hub ICs.

The additions are intended to help gain design wins inside Windows 8.1 and Android equipment, Nuvoton said.

Movea provides software, firmware and development tools. Drawing data from accelerometer, gyroscope and magnetometer the firmware delivers 3D orientation, tilt-compensated eCompass and continuous autocalibration. The NPCF204U and NPCF28Bx family of devices include dedicated logic to act as a sensor fusion accelerator (SFA) facilitating the integration of Movea's SmartMotion embedded and improving the power efficiency. The solution is also supports multiple third-party sensors.

The NPCF204U stand-alone family and the NPCF28Bx family of integrated embedded controller and sensor hub are only available to selected customers, Nuvoton said.

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