IoT Security Foundation formed

September 04, 2015 // By Peter Clarke
IoT Security Foundation formed
The Internet of Things Security Foundation has been formed with a large list of associate members having sprung out of discussions held at the UK's National Microelectronics Institute.

The organization already has the backing of over 30 organisations including: Broadcom, Freescale, Imagination Technologies, Inside Secure, Tokyo Electron, Vodafone, uBlox and many other companies and academic institutions. The IoTSF launch formally at an event in London on Sept. 23.

The organization has been formed to response to concerns over the security of IoT systems and how those concerns could limit an economic impact that is likely to measured in trillions of dollars globally and be disruptive and transform society.

The IoTSF will set out how it is going to address these concerns at the launch event. The groundwork for the formation of the IoTSF was laid at an IoT Security Summit held earlier this year at Bletchley Park. The IoTSF security can only be addressed by working internationally and with other IoT alliances and standards bodies.

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