16 analog, MEMS and sensor startups to follow in 2016

January 11, 2016 // By Peter Clarke
16 analog, MEMS and sensor startups to follow in 2016
The flow of startups addressing the non-digital part of the electronics universe seems to be increasing along with the opportunities in analog, power, RF, sensors.

As we commented in 2015 analog has taken back the "mojo" in electronics just as success in digital electronics appears to be a poisoned chalice; witness the difficult year suffered by Qualcomm despite market leadership in smartphone application processors (see When did analog steal digital's mojo? and Qualcomm rejects company break up).

The newcomers into our list include companies active in analog design, signal processing, photovoltaics, image sensing, radar and foundry manufacturing.

What follows are 16 recently-formed private companies we feel are worth keeping track of in 2016 listed in alphabetical order.

Next: From Indiana to India


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